Every woman’s experience of Menopause is unique. We hope that the information here will help you to better understand your health and the options available for treatment, care and support. We, as your healthcare team, urge you to contact us if you would like support in making decisions that are right for you, or if you should need any questions answered.
Menopause Doctor
Menopause Matters
Rock my menopause
Menopause and me
Treatment for symptoms of the menopause – patient information leaflet | RCOG
Menopause | Information for the public | Menopause: diagnosis and management | Guidance | NICE
Women's Health Concern | Confidential Advice, Reassurance and Education (womens-health-concern.org)
Gather to eat cake, drink and discuss menopause (menopausecafe.net)
Mission — Queer / LGBTQIA+ Menopause (queermenopause.com)
Complementary And Alternative Therapies Factsheet (EXTERNAL PDF LINK)
What are the alternative treatment options to HRT
Menopause and later life
Menopause talk given by Consultant Gynaecologist and Menopause Specialist Ms Leila Frodsham who works at Guys and St Thomas' Hospital. Though the talk is aimed at healthcare professionals, it contains a wealth of information that you may find helpful.
Watch the talk in full.
(Premature Menopause, when menopause is attained under the age of 40):
Charity for Women with POI | The Daisy Network
Premature Menopause: Menopause Matters
balance - balance for Partners (balance-menopause.com)
balance - balance for Cancer Support (balance-menopause.com)